Tuesday, December 10, 2019

You Fucking Ruined It: The Punisher Skull

The Punisher Skull.  The symbol of Frank Castle, a military veteran turned vigilante after the system fails in bringing the mobsters who killed his family to justice.  The skull that adorns his chest like the symbols of all great comic book characters has become an icon of pop culture.  It has especially become popular among the military and law enforcement.  There's only one problem.  Everyone has fucking ruined it.  Everyone wears a fucking Punisher Skull thinking it makes them Billy Fucking Badass now that it's just way over played.  The symbol now is more dead than Jeffery Epstein and his fucking meme.

Yup, the "Patriots" have done it again.  I've lost count of how many of these douche nozzles have the skull on their cars or patches on their kits.  You don't look cool, you look like a fucking tool.  It kinda reminds me of the episode of South Park when the Devil hosts a Halloween party and tells everyone they can't dress as The Crow because everyone does and he wants to.  Well I might want to rock the fucking Punisher Skull but I can't know because all you fucking shitheads are wearing it.  You can be a patriot without having to wear a Punisher Skull.  Same goes for all the Molon Labia and tattered flag t-shirt bullshit too.

Oh what the fuck?  Ok cops (local municipal tyrants, goose steppers, pigs, bacon, tax collectors, revenue generators and whatever else you want to call them)  are you aware of how much of a giant fucking contradiction it is for you to adorn your gear and even cars with Punisher Skulls?  You are literally idolizing a guy who's existence is based on the fact that y'all suck at your jobs.  The Punisher represents a failure of the systems you swear to uphold.  The creator of the character has said as much as well as the fact that wearing the skull is a contradiction of your duty.  Then again y'all seem to enjoy being murderous vigilantes with disregard for societal norms lately so, maybe the skull is a bit fitting now.

Um, uh, yeah, I go no words for this one.  Then again, Trump loyalists seem to be an interesting bunch.  Hypocrisy is a big thing with this bunch so it really shouldn't be surprising.  Though it is funny that people honor a self described "Law & Order" president with a the symbol of a guy who gives a giant middle finger to law and order.  Then again, Trump supporters are all for tyranny as long is matches their own bullshit ideology.

The Punisher Skull used to be a symbol of vengeance and violence.  It has been twisted and mutilated to fit the agenda of whomever is wearing the symbol now.  What was once worn by the ultimate gun toting badass is now worn by douchebags, tools, tyranny imposing goose steppers and those who lick their boots.

Wait your turn bitch!  I'll get to you soon enough.

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