Militia training events have always been an odd mix of comedy and frustration for me. Both which come from the utter stupidity that takes place during such training. One could even say that these events often referred to as Field Training Exercises (FTX for short) aren't even training but more of an excuse to go out into the woods, shoot guns and feel like a bad ass. Everything that will be shown here is from one such exercise conducted by the 3% Security Force (they happen to be everything I dislike about 3%ers all in one organization so it makes things easier for me). Everything from bad training, safety violations and just stupidity shall be seen.
We all know at this point that bureaucracy leads to incompetence. This is obvious in the very beginning of the training. Yes, the first stage was quick draw training. No pistol basics, no drills that would be more practical but instead this. Shockingly nobody shot themselves though there were some close calls seeing how the drill started with their hands on the target. Everyone had horrible technique and it was obvious that guys were trying to do it super fast in order to look like some kind of bad ass operator.
Remember I said safety violations? Well this turd not only fired 4 shots when the stage only required 3, 1 such round went into the dirt. That bullet almost went into his foot as he pulled the trigger while struggling to draw the pistol from one of those shitty nylon drop leg holsters. It's kind hard to see here but, in removing his magazine the shooter also flags himself. You can't do a drill that's rather advance when you have shooters who constantly point their own guns at themselves.
Then again flagging each other doesn't seem to be all that unheard of when it comes to these clowns because pretty much all of them did it before hand.
After the horrific pistol training they moved to rifle. Here was just some basic shooting and movement using concealment. They say cover but nothing they use should be considered cover. Nothing is also what any of these guys hit. the main reason for this is because none of them have zeroed their rifles. The other reason and this is just a theory of mine is that none of them (including instructor douche here) understand the concept of height over bore. For the uninitiated (if you don't know what I'm talking about......REALLY???) meaning their point of impact is different from their point of aim due to range. Also it's more of a pet peeve for me I'll admit but, I really hate when people put hunting and long range scopes an AR15's. It's really an impractical optic given your limitations on range. It also shows a lack of weapon knowledge in my opinion. The only optics most of these people know are hunting scopes so it's understandable but annoying as shit.
Yes, I shit you not they went through a whole rifle exercise before thinking that they should zero their rifles first. Not that it really matters since most of these people use cheap, piece of shit optics that are found at Walmart, Cheaper Than Dirt catalogs and most likely the glass case at their local gun shop.
Next came some "patrol" training. They were given a very basic scenario to fight off raiders to their encampment, given an exact description of the location of the threat and sent off like a conventional fighting force. First of all, you're a fucking militia (I think we've covered this issue before) why the fuck aren't you learning to set the traps and the ambushes? It probably has to due with the fact that there are no war on terror vets in your ranks. Therefore, you have absolutely no understanding of 4th Generation Warfare and its tactics. I also have to add that pictured above is Chris Hill aka General Holy War or Blood Agent. This is the founder and self proclaimed General of the 3% Security Force who also claims to be a former Marine. Say this because well, if you look closely you can see his camelback is underneath his plate carrier. He also has no plates in his carrier. Take that information as you will.
On the same "patrol" they received a casualty due to a "tripwire" set by the simulated attackers (again why are you not the ones setting the traps?). First, their medic who was not in the patrol shows up in a gator after being called in. She then waddles (yes waddles) her ass over completely oblivious to what's going on. She then struggles to put on the most busted ass bullshit tourniquet I've ever seen. Also you got like 6 people clumped together, an easy target for any 9 year old with a rusty AK.
Oh and watch out as they evacuate their casualty by driving in front of their line of fire. Like literally 3/4 of the patrol has this gator directly in front of them.
Remember those tripwires? Yeah well, they just walk over them and don't do shit like defuse them or simply cut the fucking wire.
Then again, if they get in a firefight I guess they be doing accuracy by volume.
One of the more comedic eccentricities of 3%ers is that there is always something selling something. I'll give it to this guy though, he's selling handmade leather holsters. While rather hokey looking and totally not conducive to their needs, it's still something that the guy put serious amounts of effort to. Most guys in my experience are just Condor salesmen. I'm not sure if I've ever got into here but, I FUCKING HATE CONDOR!!! It's cheap, shitty gear and everyone wears it like it's the best thing ever. It's not so stop fucking buying it.
The sad reality he is that for most people, these FTX's are just a means of getting out of the house and playing at being an operator. One of the most notorious examples of such sentiment is the need to take millions of photos and selfies throwing up the 3%er gang sign. Not only is it the dumbest shit ever (which I've lost count how many times I've endured) they're also dealing with a bit of an image issue and while yes it is a point of pride but, the optics (yes they fucking matter) will not be in your favor.
I will admit, these people are doing more than most. I mean some training is better than no training. However, this mess needs to be improved. As I'm writing this article I feel like it's a bit disjointed. That would probably be the best way to explain this training, disjointed. What makes this all worse is that these fools will most likely have the run of the place in a Boogaloo or SHTF scenario. That is of course unless the Hawaiian Shirt, Adidas Track Suit or Drug Rug crew have anything to say about it.
And what the FUCK is this shit?!?!?!?!?!?
Below are the actual videos because you really need to see all this shit for yourselves
at the 3up nationals those damn 3 percent gangsigns were everywhere. horrible image. nothing says we are here to help like gangsigns and skulls