Monday, November 25, 2019

Picking A Pistol on A Budget

I was recently asked by Matt from The Statist Quo podcast about pistol selection on a budget.  Now I'm no expert on what the best is which is best for the individual shooter.  However, I know enough that I could make some very general recommendations.  Not for any particular model but instead, a category of pistol.  That category would be that of a police trade-in.  They are just the right combination of functionality, aftermarket and of course, price.  Though most probably will not look the best or be in the caliber you desire, they should operate just fine as they have very few rounds ever fired through them.  Besides, what goon wouldn't love the irony of carrying an old cop gun on them during the Boogaloo.

In order to get the most out of functionality, I would recommend that you get a compact model when available.  Primarily because most compacts are adequate enough in both sized and capacity to use as a conceal carry gun.  Also, in the event of a Boogaloo both full sized and compact magazines will work in a compact gun.  That means if you were to come across either size magazines, you should be good to go where if you had the full size pistol and could only find magazines for a compact you would be shit out of luck.  Now if all you can find a compact model you can go right on ahead and get the full size.  You should already be stocking up on magazines, just stock up on more.  I don't want to hear no shit about spending more money though, you just got a handgun for 40% off you cheap bastard.

Seeing how the pistols are so common, there is also a sizable aftermarket.  Not that it's hard to find or anything but, Glock as an enormous aftermarket.  There are so many parts that you could literally custom build one from scratch.  You can also be one of those assholes who goes and makes one of them Gucci Glocks that cost something like $2,500.  Other companies like Smith and Wesson, Sig and FN also have growing aftermarkets as well.  You'll be able to find everything from triggers, new sights and even extended magazines.  Also, the 2 holster companies that I would recommend, G-Code and Safariland make holsters for these guns which is an important factor to consider.  Also if you have a striker fired model (which is pretty much all of them at this point) you can get custom back plates.  That means even you 3% jerkoffs can get your fucking III on your gun too.

Now the biggest factor for that should make a police trade in an easy choice is simply the price.  All the trade-ins I've shown y'all a bunch of pistols and not a single one is over $400.  These guns brand new on the civilian market would easily cost over $600 (depending on you individual state and taxes and all that other bullshit) if not more.  If you were looking at a new gun with such a low price tag it would most likely be a piece of shit (or some little shit pocket gun).  With such guns available, not even you poors have an excuse to not buy one.

You do not have an excuse to not have a high quality pistol.  There are plenty of good pistols on the surplus market thanks to police trade-ins.  They are all of high quality, have plenty of available spare parts and accessories and holsters from quality companies are readily available.  Now if you are not completely convinced to go with the police trade-in option you're not at a total loss either.  Depending on where you look there are always sales going.  Some of the pistols aren't all that expensive to begin with.  That combined with sales you might just find what you need at a comparable price brand new.  Just to your research and shop around.  Just don't buy cheap shit because no it is not JuSt As Gud.

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