Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The 3%: Stupid Fucking Call-signs

For real, what is up with all the stupid fucking nicknames and call-signs 3%ers use?  It's obvious they just come up with whatever bullshit they want in order to make them feel like absolute badasses.  If I have proven anything here is that these people are anything but badass.  This article will be a little different than usual.  I'll present y'all with a call-sign and proceed to make fun of it for either it's stupidity or lack of originality.  So sit back and grab some popcorn fuckers.

How fucking original.  What better way to tell people you're part of a well trained militia than by using a call-sign inspired by and over the top 80's action franchise.  This also tells me that at least on a subconscious level this guy sees himself as some kind of action star or hero.  In other words, the time of guy who gets his teammates killed.

This guy even got his shit on a name-tape.  Kill Zone might have been an awesome Hong Kong action film and an absolutely fucking amazing video game on the PlayStations.  However, Kill Zone is definitely not this guy.  If anything this fucker should be called Hobbit or something because that's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

I'm not gonna be too hard on this kid.  He looks like he's about 12 so I think that's punishment enough for now.  Though he does got the 3% gang sign.  If I had a dollar for every time I've seen one of those or asked to throw one up in a photo I'd have all the money I'd ever need for gear and preps.  Regardless, I'm sure this kid will come up with something dumber essentially.

Ha, motherfucker must have spent the majority of his your playing N64 (not that I can judge, especially he was actually playing Goldeneye that game was the shit).  I don't know what's in that shoulder holster holds but it's not his pistol.  Also, I don't know what to make of the fact that among a group who are notorious for being cheap bastards this guy has a MP5.  Even the cheap ones are expensive.  Though in the environment they currently operating in and sub gun isn't what I would consider a practical firearm.  However, I will give him credit for taking care of his weapon.  Then again, if your shit needs that much care it probably won't do too well in a SHTF scenario.

Oh shit, everyone stand clear.  John Wick in the house yo.  For real this motherfucker probably watch that movie and was probably thinking to himself "yeah that's me right there".  Only problem is he's too cheap to get a legit chest rig that not from Amazon or Cheaper Than Dirt so it's most likely that he can't afford the $2,500 in modification to get the John Wick Glock or the $4,000 STI.

Yeah, real fucking original dude.  I think every group south of the Mason/Dixon Line has at least one guy named Cowboy.  How cliche too with the cheap plate carrier with all the velcro covered in patches.  I have the strangest feeling that this dude is called Cowboy because these groups are already called racists and I really don't think calling this due "Token" would be socially acceptable.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ.  Another cliche is that of every group having some busted up chick calling herself Harley Quinn.  I'm not just referring to Patriot groups either for that matter.  Everyone know that one nasty ass couple that refer to themselves as Joker and Harley Quinn.  Obviously these douches never read a single comic or even watched the almost 30 years worth of cartoons.. Otherwise they would know how abusive relationship that is.  So if you know a chick who fashions herself as Harley Quinn, you should ask her if her man beats the shit out of her.

You know what? I'm leaving this guy alone actually.  I highly doubt he came up with such a goofy ass name on his own.  Then again that's kinda how call-signs are made.  You don't give them to yourself, someone gives it to you.  It's also not something that obviously makes sense.  Call-signs are usually obscure and a little on the weird side.  You group might suck but, your call-sign and cleared hot dude.

Well take a look at this shit.  The hard charger is so fucking badass that not only is he a fucking General, the has 2 different call-signs.  By the way, this dick is the organization's founder so naturally it's a rank he gave himself not one that he earned by skill or leadership or any of that bullshit.  Let's take a look at those names though.  First, we got Blood Agent and as someone trained in CBRN I'll tell you right now blood agents are the weakest chemical warfare agents out there.  They don't kill they just disorient.  Secondly, we Holy War.  Really motherfucker?  I know you're afraid of the Muslims and all but damn dude.  Do I really need to say anymore at this point?  Look up his videos because he's probably the worst offender at running toward the cameras and making his group look like a bunch of fuck heads.

Look, I'm not denouncing the use of call-signs.  Shit, I really can't seeing how I'm currently using my own at the moment.  The difference he is that mine wasn't given to me.  It was something used to poke fun at me because I have short arms and can't reach shit my taller friend can.  Instead of getting butthurt I decided to own it.  However, that the point of call-signs.  They're meant to be in jokes and things you use to poke fun at each other for.  These are meant to be used to build up your own ego.  They're meant to tear that shit down.  You can't be full of yourself in these situations because that's how you end up dead or worse, that's how others end up dead.


  1. listening to your podcast on statiousquo were you mentioned the watchmen of America. I was a member when it first started listening to there podcast. I was at there first national event in Hutchinson,ks. around 10 people. watched them take 30 minutes to erect a 15ft flagpole to say the pledge. people spraying vinegar in the air to neutralize the chemtrails. flipping off parts of the sky because drones were watching, piss poor marksmanship at 50 yards and a helicopter. it was a total conspiracy fest and derp.

    will pass this page to some guys that want militias to be more then a laughing stock conspiracyfest.

  2. I've been to events with GoldenEye. He uses the name cuz he's a second generation rich kid who now owns a jewelry line around Atlanta and wears gold accessories and has a general need to show how well to do he is. No military experience at all he's now the self appointed Colonel of his own militia under the highly original name of Georgia III% Militia. Ftx weekends are more fuckery and bench shooting and any modern vet that comes by leaves or gets kicked out pretty fast.


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