After spending around 5 years within various 3% groups I got to see many different aspects about how they train and conduct themselves. In doing so, I came to a very simple conclusion. If something were to go down in the country, these people are going to get seriously fucked up. This is because one simple fact. They do not train or operate as the thing most of them are there to be, a militia. Instead, they act more like a conventional fighting force. This means that if the Shit Hit The Fans scenario finally comes, they will prove to be more of a hindrance and liability to what they claim to stand for.
First of all, why the fuck are you fools wearing uniforms? You're a militia not a standing army. You're supposed to be the townsfolk, the citizen soldiers. The militias of the American Revolution weren't wearing uniforms so why are you? However, seeing how y'all are gonna wear them military larping fantasies anyways, you should really consider some uniformity in your uniforms. You look on all the YouTube videos that you love posting so much that you see all sorts of camo patterns from M81 Woodland to MarPat and Multicam. If you're gonna be stupid and wear uniforms, pick one and stick with it. As Pat from Uncensored Tactical said "If it looks like you belong, you belong". Right now it looks like y'all don't even belong at your local airsoft event.
And for fucks sake why in the fuck do y'all still allow motherfuckers on your ranges with goddamn Serpa holsters?
In short, you people are the furthest thing from what you claim to be. Instead, you should ditch the uniforms, get more competent training and realize that you need to start training to fight as the insurgent. You know like a real militia. However, I know you won't. I've tried in my own sliver of the country and quickly realized that people with modern and realistic experience are too detrimental to your larping fantasy. I have to admit, I do chuckle a little thinking about y'all getting fucked up and looking up and realizing that your ass just got clapped by a goon in an Adidas track suit or Hawaiian shirt smoking a blunt and screaming boogaloo. Because, that motherfucker knows how to fight like something you're not. A militia.
if the enemy owns 0-300 yards. own the 400-800. us your advantages against them. pick your time place range speed equipment of battle