Many have tried to come up with an identifying term for those who will partake in this Boogaloo. One term I've seen being used is Goon. It might seem a bit nonsensical or not fitting but I like so I use it (Don't like it? Well it's my blog so fuck you I'll do what I want). One of the identifying markers within the meme community would be the use of night vision. Whether or not any of them actually have this equipment is unknown beyond each individual but most know the force multiplier such technology provides. With that said, most of them appear to be well versed in the art of gun-fighting. They know their equipment and know how to use it. That goes for everything from weapon system to armor and general protective equipment. Some are snobs about certain things and refer to people who go the cheap route as Poors. I'll admit that even I get that way sometimes. I've spent enough time and money to know that some equipment sucks even though some say it's JuSt As GuD.
So, who are these Goons anyway? Well, most of them are veterans of the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. While it's definitely not an exclusive thing (my Goon roommate never served) but, I would say a large portion of them have military service. Now here is where Goons and 3%ers have similarities while also differences. Both, have come to realized the government is corrupt and will exploit war and tragedy for profit. However, the big difference is that Goons have for more modern combat experience than 3%ers do. While some 3%ers have modern military service, from my experience most of them had only brief experience or none at all as their service was not in a time of war. Goons are also anti totalitarianism in any form while 3%ers are notorious for being bootlickers. With that said, Goons should take 3% militias as equal threat as Alphabet or Local Municipal Tyrants.
Now as I said, some Goons have this cavalier attitude about Boogaloo. This would best be expressed in what has been deemed their chosen attire. One of the more popular options would be the Hawaiian shirt. I don't know how this originated but I think it might have to do with another nickname being the Big Luau. Another factor would be how some would look at this situation as almost a party as many people openly admit to being considerable drunk while in this situation. Another clothing option would be the Adidas track suit. This has been made popular by the guys over at the Biting the Bullet podcast (go listen to them). From what I gather they were inspired to wear such attire by the cliche of every Russian movie villain wearing an Adidas track suit. While cliche, I have been informed by people who have lived shady lives and had actual interactions with Russian mobster that it's actually a very true observation. While yes it is very goofy, it also fits into the notion that a militia shouldn't be wearing conventional uniforms. While yes one could argue that it is a uniform, it's not a military uniform which fits into the tactical approach many Goons take.
As I said before, there's almost an element of Goons not actually anything during the Boogaloo seriously. The best example of that would probably be the expression of many to not spend any moment of the Boogaloo sober. There is much talk of Goons willing to partake in heavy alcohol use, marijuana, cocaine and other "illegal" substances. Most Goons have full intention of being HIGH AS FUCK during the Boogaloo. Whether it's because there's no one to stop them or they don't expect to survive is still kinda unknown to me. However if all is going to shit, well fuck it why not?
Now for the Goons, the primary threat is the government. Especially if said government becomes tyrannical. For most, the inciting incident for Goons to kick of the Boogaloo would be the government finally attempting full gun confiscation. Want proof just ask Beto as he almost started the Boogaloo by shooting his mouth off. Until then, the Boogaloo will remain a meme. One could argue that's all it is. A meme created by liberty loving veterans and gun snobs. Until then, we'll just have to wait and see if we must gather the Goons and begin the Boogaloo. Remember this is hypothetical. We have no idea what the future may hold. Hopefully, the Boogaloo will never happen but if it does kick off, stay frosty Goons.
my we all die peacefully in a nursing home