Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The 3%: Conspiracy Theories

Critics of the Patriot Movement always state that militias are heavily steeped in conspiracy culture.  A criticism that I initially disagreed with.  However, after my time within these groups, I've come to realize that this criticism is the truth.  Now I'm all for distrust of our corrupt government and I do believe that it's up to no good.  With that said when you believe any that contradicts the official story you often find yourself falling for anything as long is it aligns with your own world view.  I've said before in my interview on The Statist Quo Podcast (go listen to it) but these groups aren't big on the practical application of critical thinking.

Naturally, since most Patriot organizations are big into conspiracy theories, many of them are fans of Alex Jones.  I don't think I have to go into any detail with him.  If you're hear you probably already have an idea of how Alex Jones is anyways.  Now I guess everyone here can assume I've got a problem with Jones.  Well no shit!!  Maybe it's my college education, but I have a hard time believing someone who can't back up anything they say with verifiable truth.  What I mean is everything he says cannot be traced by to an outside source.  If you were to search anything he states to be fact, the only sources you will be able to find are from his own websites.  Sorry, but the academic in me needs more sources.  However, I will put in a disclaimer here that not everyone in the movement believes him.  It's actually a very 50/50 thing.  Some see him as an arbiter of truther while others actually believe that he's some C.I.A. asset.  Yes, there is actually a conspiracy surrounding the king of conspiracies.

One of the most common conspiracy theories that get circulated is that all these terror attacks are fabrications of the government and that they all use the same crisis actors.  Unfortunately, the only evidence that ever really gets passed around are some photos of a few brunettes that have a passing resemblance (apparently all white brunette chicks look alike or some shit).  None of it is ever really verifiable so I usually just roll my eyes and keep scrolling my Facebook feed as I have my usual morning glory.  At the same time however, most claim that events such as mass shootings are perpetrated usually by anyone from deep state to Democrats or even the beloved New World Order (globalists not the wrestlers though that would be pretty fucking interesting) for the purpose of taking our guns.  However, that has yet to happen.  More evidence actually points to the N.R.A. causing these shootings to incite fear that there will be a ban so everyone goes and buys the shit out of guns.  Need proof?  Check the stock market after a mass shooting, you will notice that the stocks on all the gun manufacturers skyrocket.  Look I just created another conspiracy with more evidence than anyone else has provided on the usual bullshit.

The fan favorite, the F.E.M.A. camp.  First of all, if you need an example of how much government sucks the Federal Emergency Management Agency is what we would called Exhibit A.  I have a hard time believing that an agency as incompetent as F.E.M.A. is gonna be able to coral people in camps and keep them there without having some major fuck ups.  Also with that I love people saying the camps are already built and they have coffins waiting for all the dead bodies for the in impending genocide.  Look, I know our government is known for wasting money but, it's nonsensical to think that if the government was killing people en mass that they would actually was the time to put the bodies in coffins.  If genocides have been anything they have been efficient and coffins are a waste of time and money.

Jade Helm and the U.N. has always been rather comedic for me.  Mainly because people were acting like military exercises on American soil was something new.  They happen all the time.  Just like in 1999 with Operation Urban Warrior where Marines along with British and Dutch troops conducted training exercises for 4 days in the San Francisco area.  I'm not saying that you should be gullible to whatever the government says and there's no reason to worry.  However, to immediately assume that any military exercise is a cover for some kind of takeover is borderline paranoid.  As for the whole U.N. thing, well if they did decide to invade I really wonder what limp dick, third world nations they would send to do the job.  I also wonder how the fuck they would get here as well.  I can't take them as a serious threat therefore, I don't take it as a serous conspiracy.

Now, I'm not saying all conspiracies are bullshit and I'm not saying only 3%ers are the ones that believe this bullshit.  All I'm saying is view all of this with a more critical lens.  While there is some validity some conspiracies, a lot of them are bullshit.  None of this is helped by those who propagate bullshit for the sake of making a buck while others think they're the only ones who know the truth.  A lot of people who believe in conspiracy refer to those that don't as sheep.  Well you're no different if you believe half the bullshit on the internet as if it was holy writ.  With all of that said, do your research and come to your own conclusions.  Just remember to look at every piece of information critically.  Remember, the truth is out there.

Oh, and it's been hammered into the ground and all but Epstein didn't kill himself.  I didn't bother because well, I mean c'mon.

1 comment:

  1. but the source military people that they don't name. do you not trust the military?


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