Sunday, October 6, 2019

The 3%: Running To The Cameras

Patriot groups always complain that the media makes them out to look like domestic terrorists, racists or just fools in the woods with guns.  At the same time, some groups have an almost habitual need to run to every camera they see.  Some of these groups can ben seen as just trying to make an honest effort in spreading awareness for the cause.  Most however, are just a bunch of glory seeking assholes who are either looking for their 15 minutes of fame or trying to stay relevant after their renown has faded.

A big problem with many of these groups when it comes to running to the media is that they usually run the outlets that will give the most slanted view of them.  Usually an outlet that is most often associated with the those who already have a negative opinion of them.  Now one could thing that this might actually be a good move thinking that if you can convince those who have already formed the most negative opinion of you that it may result in a positive spin.  However, seeing how these outlets would most likely have final say in the editing process, it more often than not works against the patriot groups.  A lot of groups have decided to look to the news outlet Vice in this regard.  In most cases, Patriot groups often give Vice the perfect material to make them look like either complete morons or hate filled assholes who constantly try to back track or spin their hatred into something justified.  Even the one-time inviting Vice became a positive is bittersweet.  When Vice sent a reporter to spend some time with a border militia down south, the actual news report did not do the best job of portraying the militia in a positive light.  The only thing that did was the reporter's debrief (which is available on YouTube) where she did have positive and respectful things to say.  Naturally however, she even states that most of this did not make it into the official story that was played by Vice.  These groups want to get their story out but there are allowing those who see them as the enemy tell the story for them.
One of the biggest problems the Patriot Movement as a whole face is that they allow people who are complete assholes speak on their behalf.  People like Ammon Bundy who has no business being at the forefront are not only allowed in front of the camera but are also allowed to be considered the face of the movement.  The problem in these cases are that for the most part, it's for nothing more than their own self-promotion.  Bundy is arguably the worst offender in this regard as he wasn't part of and group or the movement himself until it became his problem.  Bundy, who is famous for the standoff on his family ranch was made a hero of the movement when the militia forced the government to stand down.  His father then shot his mouth off and any good publicity gained was pretty much dead.  However, he stayed around and decided to take it upon himself and many of his followers to take control of a wildlife refuge in Oregon (more on that at a later time).  A situation that no one there wanted him but he decided to take it upon himself to become some leader.  In my honest opinion, did more harm than good in the fight against Tyranny. 
A total douchebag and follower of Bundy, Jon Ritzheimer is even worse.  A former Marine turned asshole (though he probably always was one) who has a deep hatred for all Muslims and an affinity to do and say dumb shit very loudly.  He complains that the government needs to read the constitution yet makes it obvious he hasn't read it himself.  When he does interviews, he very quickly gets made to look like a dumbass and doesn't do a good job of handling himself.  Though it doesn't really matter seeing how he's been known to self-publish his own videos.  In particular he posted a video stating he was gonna protest outside a mosque.  He then proceeded to flash a handgun in front of the camera and start hollering like he was Ric Flair.  I'm not saying what these people's actions are wrong or that they shouldn't have the right to do what they're doing.  What I'm saying is that in a world where perception is everything, these people don't help.

Patriot groups have a serious public relations problem.  They go to the worst media outlets to try and tell their side of the story and often allow the wrong people in front of the cameras.  Personally, I think if you're in a patriot group, the last thing you should want is allowing the media into your circle and start giving out interviews.  Thanks to the actions taken by these groups and individuals, the movement may be irreversibly tarnished.  The best course of action if any would be to just stay away from the media.  Or just do what many have already done and put out your own media.  Allow the court of public opinion to determine if you’re a group of freedom loving individuals willing to defend it with your lives or, if you're a bunch of loudmouth assholes just looking for fame and glory.

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