Monday, October 28, 2019

The 3%: You're a Fucking Militia! Act Like It

After spending around 5 years within various 3% groups I got to see many different aspects about how they train and conduct themselves.  In doing so, I came to a very simple conclusion.  If something were to go down in the country, these people are going to get seriously fucked up.  This is because one simple fact.  They do not train or operate as the thing most of them are there to be, a militia.  Instead, they act more like a conventional fighting force.  This means that if the Shit Hit The Fans scenario finally comes, they will prove to be more of a hindrance and liability to what they claim to stand for.

First of all, why the fuck are you fools wearing uniforms?  You're a militia not a standing army.  You're supposed to be the townsfolk, the citizen soldiers.  The militias of the American Revolution weren't wearing uniforms so why are you?  However, seeing how y'all are gonna wear them military larping fantasies anyways, you should really consider some uniformity in your uniforms.  You look on all the YouTube videos that you love posting so much that you see all sorts of camo patterns from M81 Woodland to MarPat and Multicam.  If you're gonna be stupid and wear uniforms, pick one and stick with it.  As Pat from Uncensored Tactical said "If it looks like you belong, you belong".  Right now it looks like y'all don't even belong at your local airsoft event.

Now having all the newest gear from the shittiest discount tactical website means nothing if you don't know how to use it.  From the looks of your training (a lot is posted on the internet check it out if you can handle the cringe) you need some serious help.  While it's good that you are training, there is a serious quality issue.  It appears that y'all want to focus on cool shit than things like fundamentals or practicality.  Yes, a Mozambique Drill is cool and all but you should really consider teaching motherfuckers how to properly hold their pistols first.  I see almost everyone is wearing a plate carrier but, how many of you have plates in them?  Are those plates ceramic or steel and are you aware of the pros and cons to both?  For that matter, do any of y'all even know how to wear those plate carriers?  I can answer that already, no you don't.  It appears more like you take your gear as seriously as you do your training.  Go back to square one on both.

And for fucks sake why in the fuck do y'all still allow motherfuckers on your ranges with goddamn Serpa holsters?

The greatest detriment to the so called 3% militias is simple though, you don't have the mind-set of a militia.  What I mean by that is just like the actual military, you fail to grasp the concept of 4th generation warfare.  You continue to train and conduct yourselves as a convention military against an unconventional force.  The military has been fighting an unconventional force for almost 20 years now and still haven't won.  Maybe one or two of you would have picked up on that by now.  Seeing how most of your military veterans missed the boat on the current wars it really doesn't surprise me though.  Then again you've had access to veterans of a modern war (one of them is writing this trash right now) but you never want to give them the time of day.  We know how to fight like a militia because that what we've been doing for the last 2 decades.  Instead, you want to pretend that you're gonna be some sort of conventional military and fight some conventional war.  I'd see how long it takes before you get your asses smoke checked but that short amount of time can't be accurately recorded.

In short, you people are the furthest thing from what you claim to be.  Instead, you should ditch the uniforms, get more competent training and realize that you need to start training to fight as the insurgent.  You know like a real militia.  However, I know you won't.  I've tried in my own sliver of the country and quickly realized that people with modern and realistic experience are too detrimental to your larping fantasy.  I have to admit, I do chuckle a little thinking about y'all getting fucked up and looking up and realizing that your ass just got clapped by a goon in an Adidas track suit or Hawaiian shirt smoking a blunt and screaming boogaloo.  Because, that motherfucker knows how to fight like something you're not.  A militia.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Hard Pill to Swallow

It's been a week or so, maybe more since President Trump decided to end our support of the Kurds and "withdraw" our forces.  I mean he's just moving them to Western Iraq but that's besides the point at the moment.  The point is it reminds me of this feeling that I still have conflict with and I'm sure many others still do.  The realization that for most of us, our service was just that.  Without point.  No purpose, no meaning just a total waste.  The wars we fought in the money spent, blood spilled and lives lost were for nothing.  Unfortunately, for many veterans, that is a sad reality that they are not ready to confront.  Instead, they rather continue to delude themselves into believing that in some way it was all worth it.  I saw this post by a veteran on social media, I decided not to quote the individual because well frankly it's a hard pill that they have to swallow themselves and not for me to force down the individual's throat.

"Yes, I must believe that it was 110% necessary and worthy of our blood, sweat, and tears.  If I didn't honestly believe that, I'm not sure I could live with myself or justify so much loss."

I honestly do not know what is worse, the fact that it was all worth nothing, or that one of my fellow vets is openly admitting to deluded themselves in order to feel better about their service.

One of my favorite excuses we still here is that our involvement in the Middle East is preventing terror from coming here.  "We fight the terrorists here so we don't have to fight them at home" they say.  One problem, that's total bullshit based on the lame and utterly ignorant assumption that the only reason they hate us is that we have freedom and that no matter what they want to come here and kill us.  People who make such statements never ponder what makes a Middle East terrorist do what they do beyond the simple fact that they are Muslim.  While I won't discount the fact that Muslim extremism exists because that is a definite fact.  What I will say though is that it's easier for someone to want to attack Americans when Americans show up in your neighborhood and start fucking shit up.  At this point even if it was all started by Muslims who wanted to destroy the Western world because of all of our freedoms like loud music, Dan Fogleburg, our Zima, hula hoops and Pac-man video games (bonus to anyone old, nerdy and overall lame enough to get that) we have caused enough mayhem and destruction that we create enemies faster than we can kill them regardless of cause or motivation.
The greatest of illusions however is this notion that America fights for freedom.  Let's be real, America hasn't fought for freedom since 1812.  Everything else has just been war for profit or cleaning up a fuck up.  Then you have all the assholes who make the smart ass comments to thank a veteran for their freedoms.  What freedoms?  We didn't bring freedom.  Not to our own citizens anyways.  We don't defend them either.  In fact, in recent memory the military has done more to oppress or suppress their own citizens than it has to defend liberty.  The people who say this dumb shit are still deluded into the bullshit hero worship of the meat grinder that is the war machine.  Especially when used as a mean to vilify people you disagree with.  Stop disagreeing with me!  Oh, and by the way thank the military for your right to disagree with me even though I think you're evil for doing so.

Long story short, there are a lot of hard pills to swallow.  My fellow veterans, I still deal with it myself but let's face it our service meant jack fucking shit.  Nothing we've done can be objectively proven to be of benefit to America.  Fighting them in the Middle East hasn't kept them in the Middle East.  Besides, the great majority of our enemies have been created as a direct response to the shit we've pulled in their homeland.  To think such actions provide the American people with freedom is just asinine.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Police, Traffic Court & The Fleecing of The Community

When I lived closer to the city (fuck you I'm not getting specific) I never got a traffic ticket.  I did however get a parking ticket but fuck meter maids.  I was barely ever pulled over for that matter either.  It wasn't until when I moved up north into "the country" that I started getting pulled over left and right.  All times but one, I got a ticket.  I'm not the only one, I see people pulled over almost every day.  I can only assume based on my own experiences that all of them were getting tickets.  Upon bringing my not guilty plea to the courthouse I asked how long it would take to get my appearance notice.  I was told it was the busy season so it would be a while.  Now I assume because it was the beginning of the summer that there is some mixture of correlation and causation.  However, based on my experience, the frequency of pull overs and the general lack of crime in my quiet little town I'm only left with few conclusions.  We either have a bloated police department or, the police have quotas.  Both are equally likely which means no matter what, the local populace is either being taxed to pay for police they don't need or, being robbed blind by an overzealous police force with nothing better to do.

It has been 4 months (yes that long) and finally I had my day in court.  First problem I saw was there was nowhere to park.  Yes, that many people had court that evening that the parking lot and literally the entire side street that court house is on was packed with parked car with people waiting to get into court.  Funny enough, upon turning onto the street the first thing I saw was the cherries and berries of yet another cop car.  Yes, a cop was giving out tickets outside of traffic court.  Kinda reminded me of girl scouts putting cookie stands outside of weed dispensaries.  I parked my car and get in line which at this point was out the door and stretched all the way to the parking lot 75 feet away.  By the time I get to the door, the state court bailiff or cop (whatever they're called don't really fucking care) tells us the courtroom was at capacity and it would be a 45 minute wait.  The line still stretched to the parking lot might I add.  I guess it was easily 200 people scheduled to appear at court.  With the average ticket being probably around $250 which includes a state surcharge of about $92, I wouldn't have been surprised if the state made about $50,000.  All of that from traffic tickets.  We live in a communist controlled states.  One of the highest taxed in the nation and what do we get for it?  Robbed blind by the police and the courts.

Now I bet you're asking (actually I doubt you care but fuck you) what happened in my case?  Well.....

That's right, my case was dismissed.  Four months and and 45 minutes later  just to have the case thrown out.  Now, how did I manage such bullshit?  Well, I happened to wear my Fordham hoodie that day as it was the only clean one I had at the moment.  The judge took notice and asked if I actually went there assuming one wouldn't wear one for the sport teams (which actually are pretty good so it showed how much he fucking knew)  I told him I did and that I went there on the G.I. Bill.  Yes, upon learning I am a veteran he dismissed the case.  He gave me an opening and I took gladly and actually didn't care to hear "Thank you for your service" for once.  Don't hate the player hate the game.  With that said, I was the lucky one.  Everyone else wasn't given an easy way to bullshit their way out paying outrageous fines.  On the local level people are getting robbed blind by their government every day.  I know it seems like something small and petty in the big picture of things but, for most people it's the little shit that irks them the most.  The state and the police would be pleasantly surprised out people's opinion would change if they stopped overly policing them over what can be described as one thing.  PETTY BULLSHIT!!!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The 3%: Running To The Cameras

Patriot groups always complain that the media makes them out to look like domestic terrorists, racists or just fools in the woods with guns.  At the same time, some groups have an almost habitual need to run to every camera they see.  Some of these groups can ben seen as just trying to make an honest effort in spreading awareness for the cause.  Most however, are just a bunch of glory seeking assholes who are either looking for their 15 minutes of fame or trying to stay relevant after their renown has faded.

A big problem with many of these groups when it comes to running to the media is that they usually run the outlets that will give the most slanted view of them.  Usually an outlet that is most often associated with the those who already have a negative opinion of them.  Now one could thing that this might actually be a good move thinking that if you can convince those who have already formed the most negative opinion of you that it may result in a positive spin.  However, seeing how these outlets would most likely have final say in the editing process, it more often than not works against the patriot groups.  A lot of groups have decided to look to the news outlet Vice in this regard.  In most cases, Patriot groups often give Vice the perfect material to make them look like either complete morons or hate filled assholes who constantly try to back track or spin their hatred into something justified.  Even the one-time inviting Vice became a positive is bittersweet.  When Vice sent a reporter to spend some time with a border militia down south, the actual news report did not do the best job of portraying the militia in a positive light.  The only thing that did was the reporter's debrief (which is available on YouTube) where she did have positive and respectful things to say.  Naturally however, she even states that most of this did not make it into the official story that was played by Vice.  These groups want to get their story out but there are allowing those who see them as the enemy tell the story for them.
One of the biggest problems the Patriot Movement as a whole face is that they allow people who are complete assholes speak on their behalf.  People like Ammon Bundy who has no business being at the forefront are not only allowed in front of the camera but are also allowed to be considered the face of the movement.  The problem in these cases are that for the most part, it's for nothing more than their own self-promotion.  Bundy is arguably the worst offender in this regard as he wasn't part of and group or the movement himself until it became his problem.  Bundy, who is famous for the standoff on his family ranch was made a hero of the movement when the militia forced the government to stand down.  His father then shot his mouth off and any good publicity gained was pretty much dead.  However, he stayed around and decided to take it upon himself and many of his followers to take control of a wildlife refuge in Oregon (more on that at a later time).  A situation that no one there wanted him but he decided to take it upon himself to become some leader.  In my honest opinion, did more harm than good in the fight against Tyranny. 
A total douchebag and follower of Bundy, Jon Ritzheimer is even worse.  A former Marine turned asshole (though he probably always was one) who has a deep hatred for all Muslims and an affinity to do and say dumb shit very loudly.  He complains that the government needs to read the constitution yet makes it obvious he hasn't read it himself.  When he does interviews, he very quickly gets made to look like a dumbass and doesn't do a good job of handling himself.  Though it doesn't really matter seeing how he's been known to self-publish his own videos.  In particular he posted a video stating he was gonna protest outside a mosque.  He then proceeded to flash a handgun in front of the camera and start hollering like he was Ric Flair.  I'm not saying what these people's actions are wrong or that they shouldn't have the right to do what they're doing.  What I'm saying is that in a world where perception is everything, these people don't help.

Patriot groups have a serious public relations problem.  They go to the worst media outlets to try and tell their side of the story and often allow the wrong people in front of the cameras.  Personally, I think if you're in a patriot group, the last thing you should want is allowing the media into your circle and start giving out interviews.  Thanks to the actions taken by these groups and individuals, the movement may be irreversibly tarnished.  The best course of action if any would be to just stay away from the media.  Or just do what many have already done and put out your own media.  Allow the court of public opinion to determine if you’re a group of freedom loving individuals willing to defend it with your lives or, if you're a bunch of loudmouth assholes just looking for fame and glory.

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