Throughout the years I've been a part of many different "Patriot" and liberty focused groups. I have also encountered or interacted with many other groups via social media, user created content and direct interaction via training or even political events. A common theme I see with all of these groups is that they seem to be making the wrong choices in terms of how they conduct themselves. It has given me the idea to lay out a sort of ground rules or polite suggestions to help those looking to get organized. Using this as a blueprint. Those looking to for groups of their own will have a chance to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
1. Have A Mission
What is meant by the statement have a mission is to know for starters what kind of organization are you trying to be. For an example, if you're trying to be a militia then you shouldn't be so heavily focused on conventional military tactics. If you are a mutual assistance group then you need to multifaceted as to prove you can actually provide assistance beyond walking around with a budget build AR and cheap plate carrier without plates. Different kinds of groups require different approaches. One of the most important things you can know is who you are and who you are not.
2. Size Matters
A lot of groups like to gloat about how big they are. I've seen people brag how they have the biggest group in the state or how many members their are throughout the country. Groups like this are way too big. Large groups are slow to move, loaded with useless bureaucracy and consistently have descension among the ranks. Large groups are also susceptible to infiltration whether that is from another group, the media or even an alphabet agency. Large groups allow for greater difference of opinion. This is not necessarily a bad thing as intellectual diversity is good in general and allows for greater creativity. It becomes bad when you get that one asshole who thinks they can run the group better than the leader and starts gaining followers within the group. I've seen 3 separate groups in my area split that was enabled because of how massive the group was. Keeping your group small will prevent many of these problems.
3. 1 Group, 1 World, 1 Family
Group cohesion is very important for any organization. When shit goes down they will most likely be all you have. They will essentially be your family. Therefore, it only makes sense for you to treat them like family. If you you're having a family cookout, invite your group members and their families. Hangout out on the weekends. You don't always have to be doing group related activities. Simple team building goes a long way. Whether you're doing some home project or just getting drunk and stoned, grow and build together as a group. Let each other into your worlds. Open up to each other, have your families interact with each other. One small, unified group can accomplish more than any group of strangers.
4. Beware The Cult of Personality
Many groups and liberty movements have some kind of figurehead or lead that everyone rallies behind. Someone they see as the face and voice of the movement. Stay away from these people. These so called leaders are usually the last person that should be in charge. More often than not they are just in it for their own ego and their own agenda. They crave attention and have no problem running up to any camera they can find and start pontificating like they are next savior of the free world. Unless you want every news outlet and federal agency looking right at you, stay away from the wannabe George Washingtons.
5. Social Media
Don't fucking use it. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that. If you are the type that needs to have Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for other reasons then yes, you can be on them. Just keep your group stuff off them. If feel the need to have some social media presence (now I need to do a little self reflection as I type this) then use a pseudonym or alter ego and keep your personal information as close to the chest as possible. Social media is nothing more than a digital collection of evidence that even if you do delete these fuckers will find anyways so it's best to give them as little or have as much plausible deniability as possible.
6. Recruitment
Why the fuck are you recruiting? This is just like social media, just don't fucking do it. If you want to bring somebody into your group, it's best to have known them for a decent amount of time. Bringing any asshole who just wants to join is how people infiltrate groups. It's also how you let in loose cannons and liabilities. If you need to increase membership for some reason then pull from your already existing circles and not some random off the internet. You'll most likely have better results.
7. You're Not in The Military Anymore
This is more for those of us who are veterans. You're not in the military anymore so stop acting like. Most of the people you're working with were not in the military or most likely had a pretty good fucking reason for leaving. The thing that annoys me the most with groups is their attempts as applying a military structure. So many are stuck in a 3rd generation warfare mindset which will set you up for failure immediately. Instead of applying the lessons you were taught by the military, start applying the lessons you were taught by your enemy. Start thinking 4th generationally.
8. There's More Than Just Trigger Pulling
A lot of groups just want to shoot guns, pose for photos and complain about how Democrats a ruining America. None of them are thinking about how they are going to eat, how they are going to sleep, how are they going to cloth themselves and more importantly how they are going to take care of their families. These are things that probably require far more focus than shooting guns. You need to know how to grow food, how to build long term shelters, how to repair and make clothing. If you can't do any of that, you might as well throw down your guns and run around begging to be shot. You can also beg to be someone's bitch too, whatever floats your boat.
9. Invest, Invest, Invest
This is probably far more important than anything else. Invest your time. We're playing the long game here so be prepared for the long haul. Invest your effort. These are all thing that require you give your all. If you're not prepared to give all you then you've already lost. Invest your money. Probably the hardest as we all have bills to pay. I more than most understand that but this is definitely a you get what you pay for world so start saving and figure out a budget. As I said we are playing the long game so prioritized what you need most and go from there. You only get out what you're willing to invest into it so don't be a slouch and don't be a cheap bastard.
That's all for now. I'm sure there will be more to be added so this will be an ongoing thing. If you have something to contribute and I value your opinion you know how to reach out to me. Don't be afraid to do so.